Branna Callan is a young LAPD cop. In a split-second her life is changed. She’s shot during a botched-up stakeout and rescued by Robert Murray, a witness, who she falls for and marries. His attorney wins her $3 million compensation, only for Robert to invest it in his electronics company. A workaholic, he succeeds in expanding it into a worldwide empire. But it’s Branna who pays the price by being neglected. Feeling desperately lonely, she experiences “Three Awakenings” to the personal causes of the barrenness of her life, each a betrayal, and seeks revenge from all three. In a story of deceit, blackmail, treachery and sex, Richard Rees weaves a page-turning, twists-and-turns story, only for Branna’s luck to run out almost at the end. Is it all over for her? Or can she find a way to overturn this setback?


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